
The United States Representative in Hungary (Schoenfeld) to the Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Gyöngyösi)83

Mr. Minister: I am directed by my Government to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States is prepared to establish diplomatic relations and to negotiate with the Provisional National Government of Hungary a treaty, provided the Provisional National Government of Hungary gives to the Government of the United States full assurance that free and untrammeled elections will be held for the establishment of a representative government in Hungary, and provided further that, in the meanwhile, the Provisional National Government of Hungary makes provision to the full measure of its responsibilities under the Armistice regime for the freedom of political expression of the democratic parties in Hungary and for the right of assembly, which conditions are essential to permit free elections to be held in Hungary.

I have the honor to request Your Excellency’s prompt reply on behalf of the Provisional National Government in Hungary to the present communication.

I take this opportunity [etc.]

H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 324, September 22, 1945, from Budapest, not printed.