892.01/5–1945: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

5036. According to Sterndale Bennett, the steps outlined by the British as mentioned in pgh 4 of Sansom’s comments given in Department’s 2823 of April 1176 are merely those which Admiral Mountbatten was authorized to put forward to the leader of the Thai mission to Ceylon. These were given to the Department by Sir George on February 21, 1945 and a copy of them was enclosed in the Department’s top secret instruction No. 5146 of February 2677 addressed to this Embassy. (ReDept’s 3837, May 16).78

Sterndale Bennett stated that the Foreign Office is at present engaged in making a more detailed list of steps which they believe Thailand should take before the restoration of normal relations. The rather general statement which Admiral Mountbatten was authorized to give to the Thai mission was in fact made to the mission in Kandy by Dening.

  1. Not printed; it summarized “Notes for Oral Communication to Mr. Ballantine”, April 5, p. 1262, and Mr. Ballantine’s memorandum of the same date covering his conversation with Sir George Sansom, not printed. The latter is the memorandum referred to in footnote 64, p. 1262. Paragraph numbered 4 of No. 2823 stated: “The British have already outlined to the Regent the steps which they expect Thailand to take in order that the old friendship may be resumed.” (892.01/4–1145)
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed; it reported the Regent’s denial that the British had outlined the steps indicated in paragraph numbered 4 of telegram 2823 (892.01/5–1645).