
Memorandum by Mr. Everett F. Drumright of the Division of Chinese Affairs to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Ballantine)

Mr. Judd’s disquisition on the situation in China71 is the most comprehensive and penetrating one I have seen in recent months. Those supporting Chiang Kai-shek will applaud it; those supporting the Chinese Communists will denounce it.

The Judd article may be said to revolve primarily about two main points:

Defense of the role Chiang Kai-shek has played in the present war. Chiang, Judd asserts, has gone all-out for the aims we are fighting for. Judd warns us not to sell out Chiang or China to other powers which have axes to grind in the Far East.
Devastating censure of the Chinese Communists, their alleged hypocrisy, fraud, deceit, obstruction, rebellious activities, their relations with the Soviet Union, the consequences to United States security of a “Red” China. Judd excoriates those Americans who, he says, have swallowed the Chinese Communist line, whatever their intentions may be. Judd makes the point that a “Red” China would not result in a democratic China, nor would it result in world peace or security for the United States.

In my view the article is worth reading in its entirety. If you do not have time for that, I suggest that you read the part commencing on page 11. I understand that extracts from Judd’s speech appeared in a recent issue of Time.

  1. Reference is to Congressman Walter H. Judd’s speech in the House of Representatives on March 15; see Congressional Record, vol. 91, pt. 2, p. 2294.