893.00/12–445: Telegram

The Consul General at Tientsin (Myers) to the Secretary of State

63. Situation this area not materially changed recent weeks. Brief review present conditions follows.

General breakdown transportation facilities North China and frequent interruptions railway traffic Tientsin–Chinwangtao have prevented movement adequate coal supplies this port where stocks low, and, according informed person, Central Govt Forces now available [Page 693] inadequate prevent serious disruption traffic were such attempted by forces Communists could muster. Breakdown public utility services Tientsin and complete stoppage coal supplies household purposes now inadequate and high priced are possible contingencies.
Communist troops continuing move northward toward Manchuria, some within distance Tientsin, reportedly in Hopei obtaining Jap arms. Infiltration Communist plainclothes soldiers into Tientsin occurring and although no disturbances reported possibilities of situation obvious. Presence Tientsin–Korean independence army of 2,000 men, including Communist deserters and stooges, another potential menace, although this army recently disarmed by local police following murder head local Korean association which has provided funds army’s support.
Presence here number unemployed industrial workers because closure former Japanese industries, many of which unlikely to be resuscitated near future, and ineptitude many local Central Government officials for duties with which now charged, are other factors complicating situation filled with uncertainties.

Unlikely serious disturbance occurring in Tientsin so long American Marines remain. But should Marines be withdrawn or should Communist forces make serious attempt cut off supplies this city, for which the [Communists?] have adequate forces, serious situation would arise. Communist attitude may be determined by number of factors, including negotiations between Yenan and Chungking. Consequently until clarification occurs situation must be regarded as ominous.

This telegram to be read with telegram No. 64 same date.95

  1. Infra.