890J.01/10–1545: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

9141. Please advise appropriate Colonial and FonOff officials possibly through a call by Hare9 that this Govt proposes to accept invitation of Govt of Yeman to send an envoy to Sana’a probably late this year to negotiate a provisional executive agreement of the type now in force with Saudi Arabia (Executive Agreement Series no. 53 signed Nov 7, 193310); and that accompanying envoy with full powers will be a small staff and a physician.

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Also that this Govt appreciates assistance extended by Aden Govt to American Consul at Aden in connection with his recent visit to Yemen, and helpful attitude of the officials of the Aden Govt in connection with exchange of information concerning affairs in southern Arabia; that it believes US and Great Britain have a similar interest in ensuring prosperity and political stability in Arabian Peninsula; and that in consequence Brit Govt will welcome acceptance by US of Imam’s request for recognition. Please telegraph British reaction.

For your information Consul Clark will return to Aden11 via London where he will advise competent Brit official of our plans for recognition party.

Sent to London as Depts 9141. Repeated to Aden as Depts 41 for information of Aden Government officials.

  1. Raymond A. Hare, First Secretary of Embassy in the United Kingdom.
  2. Signed at London, Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. ii, p. 999; for documentation regarding the negotiation of this agreement, see ibid., pp. 986 ff.
  3. The Consul had been at the Department for consultation.