835.00/10–1045: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Deptcirtel October 3, 3 p.m. Please call on FonMin of Country to which you are accredited (except Argentina) and give him substance, by informal memorandum if you consider that desirable, of following information about consultation on Argentine situation.

Seventeen governments, including US, already have expressed opinion that consultation is desirable and should be carried out through diplomatic channels.

Among suggestions made by other governments are that: (a) consultation be limited to failure Argentine Government to comply with obligations under Mexico City Resolutions; (b) information be exchanged regarding evidence of such failure; (c) that no unilateral action be taken pending conclusion of consultation; (d) that consideration be given to appointment of investigating committee of four or five FonMins to report on failure of Argentine Government to comply with inter-American commitments; and (e) that consideration be given to desirability of some action by the United Nations Organization. (We have not attempted thus far to evaluate these suggestions).

Department now preparing summary of information available which will be transmitted to you as soon as possible. Basis is that establishment of totalitarian type government in hemisphere is serious threat to inter-American welfare, security and solidarity, and a negation of democratic principles which are foundation of inter-American system. Failure to eliminate Axis interests and influence and a lenient or sympathetic attitude toward reestablishment of former German organization and influence in the American republics are important factors in this study.

Pattern of totalitarian governments such as those of Germany and Japan is familiar to world. There first is suppression and censorship of press and of freedom of information, and denial of individual rights and liberties. There follows a system of brutal police methods and a use of national resources to build up the military establishment. International treaties and agreements then are ignored or violated, with the inevitable danger of aggression.

Department has received much information from the most reputable elements in Argentina which serves to condemn the Argentine Government on many of these counts. It is suggested that the governments of the other American republics verify these reports through their own sources. (For your guidance Department places great importance on having respective governments verify these reports through various [Page 420] Argentine sources as well as through responsible Argentine citizens now resident in other republics). Argentine newspapers which have a world-wide reputation have been prevented by the Argentine Government from reflecting the views of the Argentine people and from exercising the essential leadership which is one of the first responsibilities of a free press. Argentine organizations and individual citizens have recorded their condemnation of abuses against constitutional rights and civil liberties. Important Nazi agents on whom Department possesses abundant incriminating evidence have been permitted to remain free despite repeated representations by this Government that they be arrested.

In addition, Department has documentation regarding German activities in Argentina directed against the United Nations and consequently against all of the American republics.

Record of compliance of Argentine Government with obligations under Mexico City resolutions might be examined with particular reference to Resolution VII regarding elimination of remaining centers of subversive influence, Resolution VIII on reciprocal assistance and inter-American solidarity, Resolution XI on inter-American principles set forth in Declaration of Mexico, Resolution XIX on control of enemy properties, Resolution XXVI re crimes of aggression against the American republics, Resolution XXVII on free access to information, Resolution XL re international protection of essential rights of man, and Resolution LIX regarding Argentina.

Please express to FonMin interest of Department in receiving additional information and views of his Government regarding the carrying out and completion of the consultation.
