817.20 Missions/6–1845

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Nicaragua (Warren)16

No. 34

Sir: Reference is made to your despatch no. 83 of June 18, 1945,17 regarding the desire of Colonel Bartlett to have seven United States army officers and non-commissioned officers assigned to the military mission to draw up plans for the reorganization of the National Guard.

As the Embassy is aware, the information obtained at the recently concluded staff conversations,18 in which the Nicaraguan representatives outlined a plan of reorganization and expansion of the Guard into an army of four thousand men, is now under study in Washington. Furthermore, the subject of post-war military collaboration with the other American republics is now under discussion with the War and Navy Departments. As is indicated in the Embassy’s secret despatch no. 59 of June 6, 1945,17 Colonel Besse, one of the United States representatives, is considering a recommendation that the Nicaraguan army, instead of being expanded, actually be reduced. Under these circumstances, the Department does not believe it desirable to have United States officers undertake a study of the reorganization and expansion of the Guard until this Government is in a position to make final recommendations as to the size of the army and the military equipment this Government is prepared to supply to that army.

In addition, the Nicaraguan Government has recently received a form for a standard mission contract,19 which it has not as yet signed. The Department believes that additional military personnel should not be assigned until the conclusion of this agreement at which time such personnel should form a regular part of a standard United States military mission.

Sincerely yours,

For the Secretary of State:
A. M. Warren
  1. Fletcher Warren assumed charge of the Embassy in Nicaragua on May 10, 1945.
  2. Not printed.
  3. The conversations were held between May 28 and June 3.
  4. Not printed.
  5. Form transmitted with covering note of May 29 to the Nicaraguan Ambassador in Washington, not printed.