810.20 Defense/7–1945

Proposed Agenda for Panamanian Staff Conversations3

General Purpose of the Conversations.
Establishment, on a permanent basis, of military relations between the two countries within the framework of a system of hemisphere defense.
In keeping with Article X of the General Treaty of the Second of March 1936 between the Republic of Panama and the Government of the United States,4 and in attainment of the objectives stated in “I” above, and considering the mission of the Panama Police Force, the United States officers wish to discuss:
Size and composition of the post-war police force desired by your government.
The estimated annual expenditure to be allocated to your police force.
Estimated available manpower, trained and untrained, for your police force.
The organization of your police force.
Any plan your government may have for a coastal auxiliary to the Panama Police Force.
Whether you would be willing, in general, to continue to train the Panama Police Force on United States principles.
If so, please give an estimate of types of courses and number of personnel to be trained under this system.
Do you desire to expand the present United States Military Mission? If so, what other branches of instruction would be desired?
Whether your government would be willing to equip its police force with United States arms and equipment.
If so, please give approximate types and amount of United States matériel required.
Amount of unsuitable matériel which might be available to exchange for United States matériel on a mutually satisfactory basis.
  1. Prepared by the Military Missions Division of the Caribbean Defense Command and forwarded to the Department by the Chargé in Panama in his despatch 2203, July 19; received July 25.
  2. Article X provided for consultation between the United States and Panama when measures deemed necessary to one party to the agreement affected the territory of the other. For text, see Department of State Treaty Series No. 945, or 53 Stat. (pt. 3) 1807.