
The Secretary of State to the Secretary-General of the United Nations

My Dear Mr. Lie: I am transmitting to you herewith a copy of the International Organizations Immunities Act which grants certain privileges and immunities to international organizations designated by the President, together with a copy of the Executive Order of February 19, 1946 designating the United Nations as an international organization entitled to the privileges and immunities granted by the Act.32

I wish to take this opportunity of assuring you that it is the policy of this Government to keep this Executive Order in effect with respect to the United Nations until it is superseded by such permanent arrangements as may be agreed to between the United Nations and this Government with respect to the legal status of the United Nations in this country.

Sincerely yours,

James F. Byrnes
  1. For the International Organizations Immunities Act, see footnote 16, p. 63. For Executive Order 9698, February 19, 1946 which designated the United Nations Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Labor Organization, the Pan American Union and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration as public international organizations under Public Law 291, see 11 Federal Register 1809.