C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2080: Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Third Session, Twenty-Second Meeting, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, December 11, 1946, 4 p.m.35

CFM(46) (NY) 22nd Meeting


Mr. Bevin (Chairman)
Sir Oliver Harvey
Mr. Hall-Patch
Sir William Strang
Mr. Dean
France U.S.S.R.
M. Couve de Murville M. Molotov
M. de Saint Hardouin M. Gousev
M. Alphand M. Novikov
M. Bérard
Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Connally
Mr. Dunn
Mr. Riddleberger
Mr. Cohen

I. Germany and Austria

The Council heard a report submitted by the Acting Chairman of the Committee of Representatives of the Four Ministers (see Record of Decisions of the 19th Meeting, Section III)36 and proceeded to consider the draft agenda for the Moscow Council session proposed by this Committee.37

Following an exchange of views the Council agreed:

to appoint special Deputies for the study of German and of Austrian questions. These Deputies would meet in London from January 14, 1947 onwards.
to instruct the Committee of Representatives to prepare instructions for the special Deputies who are to meet at London.
to approve the annexed agenda38 for the Moscow session of the Council, subject to final drafting by the Committee of Representatives.

II. Limitation of European Occupation Forces

[After an exchange of views, decision on this subject was deferred, with the understanding that it should be discussed at Moscow in March if any Delegation so desired.]39—U.K./U.S. formula.

[There was an exchange of views about this subject.]—Soviet formula.

III. Participation of China in the Next Session of the Council at Moscow

After an exchange of views, no decision was taken on this subject.

IV. Next Meeting of the Council

Thursday, December 12, at 4 p.m.

  1. A typewritten marginal notation indicates that this was a provisional Record as revised on December 30, 1946.
  2. Ante, p. 1490.
  3. Ante, p. 1508.
  4. Circulated separately as CFM(46) (NY)73, December 11, 1946, infra.
  5. Brackets in this document appear in the source text.