C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: Records of Decision

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Third Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, April 27, 1946, 4:00

C.F.M(46) 3rd Meeting, 27 April, 1946.


M. V. M. Molotov (Chairman)
M. A.Y. Vyshinsky
M. V.G. Dekanozov
M. F.T. Gousev
M. A.Y. Bogomolov
M. B.K. [K.V.?] Novikov
U.K. U.S.A
Mr. E. Bevin Mr. Byrnes
Mr. H.M.G. Jebb Mr. Connally
Mr. A. Duff-Cooper Mr. Vandenberg
Sir Maurice Peterson Mr. Dunn
Mr. O.C. Harvey Mr. Cohen
Admiral Hewitt
General Lincoln
Mr. Matthews
Mr. Bohlen
M. Bidault
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. R. Massigli
M. H. Alphand
M. J. Fouques Duparc
[Page 139]

1. Report of the Deputies

The Council approved the Report of the Deputies (C.F.M. (46) 10) concerning:

1. The order of discussion that afternoon of questions connected with the Italian Peace Treaty and 2. the date on which the Italo-Yugoslav frontier Commission should submit its report and the date at which that report would be studied by the Council.46

2. Limitations To Be Imposed on the Italian Navy

(Doc. C.F.M.(D) (46) 66).47

1. The Council agreed to adopt the following numerical limitations for the Italian Navy units:

—Old Battleships 2
—6″ Cruisers 4
—Destroyers 4
—Torpedo Boats 16
—Corvettes 20

it being understood that the Committee of Naval Experts would first specify by name the ships to be left in Italian hands.

2. The Council adopted paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of the Report of the Committee of Naval Experts.

3. The Council instructed the Committee to report on the maximum total strength in personnel which should be allowed to the Italian Navy.

3. Disposal of Surplus Units

The Council agreed to refer this question to the Committee of Naval Experts with the following instructions:

After it is determined what specific ships within the limits set for each category shall be left to Italy, and
after the claims of Greece and Yugoslavia have been taken into account,
the balance of Italian war vessels (except submarines) shall be allocated equitably among the U.K., U.S.A., Soviet Union and France, and the Italian submarines, except the few which may be reserved for experimental purposes, will be destroyed.

The Experts were also instructed to report on the disposal of incompleted and damaged Italian units.

4. Franco-Italian Frontier (French Memorandum)

(Doc. C.F.M. (D) (46)15).48

[Page 140]
The Council agreed to adopt the frontier rectifications proposed by the French Memorandum in respect of:
Little St-Bernard Pass
Mont-Cenis Plateau
In respect of area 4 (Tenda) they expressed their approval of the frontier rectifications requested by the French Delegation with the exception of the upper Valley of the Roia (Tenda and Briga) concerning which it was agreed that a Commission should be sent to the spot and should make an urgent report to the Council.

When the Commission had presented their report it would be considered whether the Italian Government should be called on to present their views.

The Council agreed with Mr. Bidault that it was necessary to observe the greatest discretion on this subject in regard to the Press in order to ensure freedom of expression and security for the population of the area in question.

The Council instructed the Deputies to make final detailed arrangements for the despatch of the Commission at their meeting on Monday.

5. Date of the Next Meeting

The Council decided to meet on Monday, 29th April, at 4 p.m.

  1. Not printed; the substance of the Report appears in CFM (46) 5, April 27, supra.
  2. Ante, p. 58.
  3. Ante, p. 10.