865.014/4–1746: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State

top secret

550. British political representative Mack gave me last evening draft compromise proposal on South Tyrol question which he is forwarding London with recommendation acceptance. Compromise suggestion actually inspired by Foreign Minister Gruber but this circumstance must be treated utmost confidence since profound Austrian political repercussions might be caused by knowledge Gruber’s readiness compromise in any way this vital and passionately felt national claim.

Proposal gives Austria Bolzano but draws frontier immediately south that town rather than at Salurno gap thereby leaving Italy important Bolzano industrial complex, largely built with Italian capital, and rich Etsch valley. West of Bolzano line follows Eisach southward to point opposite Branzowl, then swings west to provincial boundary. Eastward boundary might either run Bolzano to Catenar or in relatively straight line directly Bolzano to Eisenreich at juncture Italy, South and East Tyrol. This leaves Italy nearly all Italians and greater portion Ladin speaking region and not only salves Italian prestige but permits her to retain a valuable part of disputed area. For this reason proponents believe scheme is equitable one which [Page 332] might gain approval as satisfactory permanent solution from Italy as well as Austrian Government and Tyrolese, if coupled with economic and minority guarantees, and possibly voluntary population exchange, as previously agreed by Austrians.

Primary objection is artificial nature of the proposed line which deviates from historical and economic frontiers. These fundamental considerations, if we ignore question Italian prestige, underline greater desirability placing frontier at Salurno in accordance Austrian claim. If the question of the award of South Tyrol to Italy is to be reopened at all, as every Austrian hopes, it is preferable that it be settled this time on a just and complete basis.

Despatch follows.

Repeated to Paris for Delsec as 75, 25th.
