SWNCC Series 341/2

Recommendation of November 20, 1946 by the Permanent Joint Board on Defense


Discussions which have taken place in the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, established on August 17th, 1940, have reaffirmed the importance [Page 66] of continuing to maintain in peacetime a close relationship between the armed forces of Canada and the United States. It is submitted that the obligations of the Governments of Canada and the United States under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security would be fulfilled more effectively through such a relationship. The Board, accordingly, makes the following recommendation:

In order to make more effective provision for the security of the northern part of the western hemisphere, Canada and the United States should provide for close cooperation between their armed forces in all matters relating thereto, and in particular, through the following measures:

Interchange of personnel between the armed forces of both countries in such numbers and upon such terms as may be agreed upon from time to time by the respective military, naval and air authorities.
Adoption, as far as practicable, of common designs and standards in arms, equipment, organization, methods of training and new developments to be encouraged, due recognition being given by each country to the special circumstances prevailing therein.
Cooperation and exchange of observers in connection with exercises and with the development and tests of material of common interest to the armed services to be encouraged.
Reciprocal provision by mutual arrangement between the Governments of its military, naval and air facilities by each country to the armed forces of the other country. Each country shall continue to provide reciprocally for transit through its territory and territorial waters of military aircraft and public vessels of the other country.
Subject to any special arrangement which may be entered into, each country will be primarily responsible for the mapping of its own territory and for the provision of maps in accordance with agreed needs.
In time of peace certain principles should govern the joint construction or maintenance of military projects, the carrying out of joint tests or exercises and the use by one country of military facilities in the other country, when such activities have been approved by the appropriate authorities of both governments, and these principles should be applied on a reciprocal basis as follows:
Military projects or joint tests or exercises undertaken within the territory of one country, or the territory leased by one country, should be under the supervision of that country.
Military projects, tests or exercises, agreed to by both countries, whether jointly conducted or not, are without prejudice to the sovereignty of either country, confer no permanent rights or status upon either country, and give only such temporary rights or status as are agreed upon by the appropriate authorities of the two countries in authorizing the projects, tests or exercises.
Public information in regard to military projects, tests or exercises, jointly conducted or conducted by one country in [Page 67] the other country, or in the territory leased by it, should be the primary responsibility of the country whose territory is utilized. All public statements on these subjects shall be made only after mutual agreement between the appropriate authorities of the two countries.

Approved 4/Feb/47

Harry S. Truman

Note: Approved by Canadian Government, 16 January 1947.