852.00/3–2046: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

top secret
us urgent

1349. Department 1260, March 19. I handed our reply to Bidault on the Spanish situation and brought out orally the points set out in Dept’s 1261, March 20 [19]. He is very much perturbed because he does not know what to do. He says he will do the best he can to avoid the issue [being?] placed before the Security Council but Bogomolov54 has been trying to see him for some days and he will be [Page 1059] compelled to receive him within the next few days and he is sure Bogomolov will press him for early Security Council action. He pathetically asks for suggestions. Bidault is well aware that he has gotten himself into a jam and is most anxious to get out of it.

  1. Alexander Efremovich Bogomolov, Soviet Ambassador in France.