867N.01/4–2546: Circular Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain American Diplomatic and Consular Officers 19

top secret

Report AngloAm Committee Inquiry re Palestine will be published May 1 according to present plans. Summary of main conclusions for your strictly confidential info follows:

No hope in countries other than Palestine of substantial assistance in finding homes Jews wishing or forced leave Europe. But this is world responsibility and Palestine alone cannot meet Jewish emigration needs. AmBrit Govts in association other countries should endeavor find new homes all displaced and nonrepatriable persons both Jews, non-Jews. Since most will continue live Europe, AmBrit Govts should endeavor secure basic human rights freedoms as set forth UN Charter.
100,000 certificates for Jewish victims Nazi Fascist persecution should be authorized immediately for admission Palestine. Certificates awarded as far possible 1946 and actual immigration accelerated as rapidly conditions permit.
Exclusive claims of Jews and Arabs to Palestine should be disposed of once for all on three principles: Jew shall not dominate Arab in Palestine and vice versa; Palestine shall be neither Jewish nor Arab state; form of govt ultimately established shall fully protect interests of Christian, Jewish, Moslem faiths under international guarantees. Ultimately Palestine to become state guarding interests of Moslems, Jews and Christians alike according fullest [Page 586] measure self govt consistent three principles above. Palestine as Holy Land completely different from others hence narrow nationalism inappropriate. In view ancient [and] recent history Pal neither purely Arab nor Jewish land. Jewish National Home has right to continued existence protection development. Minority guarantees would not afford adequate protection for subordinated group. Struggle for numerical majority must be made purposeless by constitution.
Hostile feeling between Jews Arabs and determination of both achieve domination makes almost certain attempt establish Palestinian state or states now or some time to come would result in civil strife possibly threatening world peace. Palestine Govt should continue under mandate then UN trusteeship until hostility disappears.
Mandatory or trustee should declare Arab economic, educational, political advancement in Palestine equal importance with Jewish and prepare measures bridge present gap by raising Arab standards. Perhaps advisable encourage formation Arab community on lines Jewish community.
Pending trusteeship agreement Mandatory should facilitate Jewish immigration while ensuring rights and position of other sections population not prejudiced. In future Pal Govt should have right decide number immigrants admitted in any period having regard to well-being of all Pal people. View disapproved that any Jew anywhere can enter Pal as of right. Any immigrant Jew entering Pal contrary its laws is illegal immigrant.
Land transfers regulations should be amended on basis freedom sale, lease, use of land irrespective race, community, creed. Stipulations that only members one race, community, creed may be employed in connection conveyances, leases, agreements should be made nugatory and prohibited. Govt should closely supervise holy places and localities to protect from desecration offensive uses.
Not competent assess value plans presented for agricultural industrial development. Such projects if successful of great benefit but require peace and cooperation adjacent Arab states. Full consultation, cooperation required from start with Jewish Agency and Arab states affected.
Reformation of educational system both Jews Arabs and introduction compulsory education.
Should be made clear beyond doubt to both Jews Arabs that attempts by violence, threats, organization or use illegal armies to prevent execution of report if adopted will be resolutely suppressed. Jewish Agency should resume cooperation with Mandatory to suppress terrorism, illegal immigration, maintain law order.

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[In telegram 172, April 30, 1946, 6 p.m., the Department notified Baghdad that “American members of Committee were appointed by and responsible to President and such matters as release of report and determination of American Govt policy toward it have been handled by White House not Department.… Dept is not in position to state at this time to what extent report will be adopted as policy this Govt or what procedure will be followed in this connection. Committee was of course completely free to make its own decision and you should take every suitable opportunity to point this out and to stress that Committee received no instructions from either Government outside its terms of reference.” (867N.01/4 2646)

In a memorandum of April 24 to Under Secretary of State Acheson, the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) stated: “On a first reading of the Recommendations and Comments of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine, it is our opinion that the Committee has done a thorough and conscientious piece of work, it has not evaded any important issues, and it has produced a set of general recommendations which constitute a reasonable and intelligently-defined compromise solution.… In one aspect or another, the Report will doubtless be a bitter disappointment to both Arabs and Jews, but it will doubtless be generally regarded as an honest and impartial effort.” (867N.01/4–2446)]

  1. At Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Paris, Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad, Jidda, Tangier, and Ankara.