867N.01/7–1946: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Harriman)

top secret
us urgent

5541. Personal from Secretary for Grady. Appreciate info contained Embtel 6851, July 19. Do not have copy Harris plan which in customs with other Anglo-American Committee documents. Clearance may occupy some time. Please telegraph summary Harris plan with changes thus far envisaged and airmail complete copy.

Are we to understand from urtel Brit do not contemplate transferring 100,000 displaced Jews from Europe to Palestine until agreement covering whole future of Palestine along lines Harris plan has [Page 649] been approved by both Jews and Arabs or, in case Jews and Arabs do not agree, by UN? If such is Brit attitude we are concerned lest transfer these Jews will be almost indefinitely delayed. It has been our hope that some kind of agreement might be reached between Brit and ourselves which would make it possible for transfer Jews begin near future.

Would also like to raise following questions: 1) Who would control immigration and land transfers under Harris plan, the autonomous provincial Govts or over-all central Govts 2) Does Harris plan contemplate partition Palestine into two partially self-governing Arab and Jewish provinces under a trusteeship plus certain areas under central Govt without any provision for termination trusteeship in manner which would result eventually in an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state. If so, what would be advantage this plan over one which would result immediate partition with full independence resultant Arab and Jewish states, leaving Arabs and Jews work out their differences directly thus avoiding difficulties and misunderstandings which are likely result from third-party supervision 3) Have Brit definitely refused agree to adopt plan along lines recommended in principle by Anglo-American Committee which might be acceptable to moderate elements both groups and which would permit immediate transfer of 100,0004) What are specific Brit objections plan of Govt worked out here which would contemplate unitary Palestine based on Arab Jewish cooperation commencing on lowest local territorial levels extending upwards through larger territorial units into Govt itself.
