851G.00/5–946: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to General of the Army George C. Marshall, at Nanking


133. For General Marshall. Dept concerned by reports received from both French and US sources indicating serious effects of continued presence 53rd Chinese Army and independent units northern Indochina despite agreement to withdraw all troops by Mar 31 or Apr 15 at latest.

Consul Hanoi (reinfotel May 14) reports danger that actions local Chinese military Tonkin will embitter Franco-Chinese relations (See Paris Embtel 6 to Chungking May 947) as well as obstruct recent progress Franco-Viet Nam relations. Also that Viet Nam President hinted his tasks easier when Chinese leave. Hanoi believes that few problems facing French and Annamese can be handled until Chinese evacuated.

French Emb Wash May 9 verbally emphasized importance French Govt attaches to prompt Chinese evacuation to avoid further incidents, and referred possibility evacuation 53rd Army by ship.

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Dept believes everything possible should be done urgently speed evacuation Chinese troops. Request your views as to what action, if any, might be taken US Govt to assist in solution this problem, and your recommendations thereon.

  1. Telegram 2243 to Department, May 9, 1946, 2 p.m., from Paris, not printed, but see circular telegram of May 13, 1 p.m., p. 41.