740.00119 PW/7–3146: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Siam (Stanton)


637. FonOff and Dept agreed Brit–Aus and US proposals settlement claims against Siam do not involve disagreement principles or objectives. Brit agreeable US wish set forth Dept inst 177 to London June 2858 (transmitted Bangkok July 2) and you are requested commence discussions FonOff for informal arrangement whereby early settlement American claims may be obtained along general lines Dept inst 48 to London May 20. Add, however, category claims for expenses or losses incurred result illness or injury directly attributable internment or other Siamese act. Compensation payable dollars except [Page 974] expenses or losses locally incurred with interest from time of expenses or losses.

Inform Dept promptly any substantive modifications desired by Siamese. As rapidly as arrangements agreed upon endeavor secure promptest settlement American claims accordance therewith including settlement agreed categories of claims without prejudice later settlement other categories same claims where understanding still to be reached. Keep Brit Min fully informed all times regarding settlement American claims.

Case will present his claim direct to Leg. Dept will forward others as rapidly as filed. Urgent you forward promptly info requested Deptel 357, May 7.59

Dept understands Brit–Aus will shortly commence discussions for formal claims committee consider Brit–Aus claims. Dept hopes US and Brit–Aus discussions with Siamese may result minimizing any important differences in standards adopted. Brit and Dept have agreed inform Netherlands of Brit–Aus and US plans and any modifications60 but Dept prefers not notify other countries until procedures and principles agreed with Siam.


[In note 48, September 26, 1946, the Minister in Siam sent to the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs the draft of the “Terms of Reference Suggested by the United States Government for the Settlement of Claims against the Government of Siam Arising from Losses Suffered by American Citizens”. A copy of the note was transmitted to the Department in despatch 112, September 27, from Bangkok (740.00119 PW/9–2746).

In instruction 44, July 22, 1949, to Bangkok, the Department noted: “As a result of exchanges of communications between the Embassy and the Thai Government in 1946 and 1947, agreement was reached on certain modifications of the proposed terms of reference. Final acceptance of the terms of reference with agreed modifications appears to have been obtained in August, 1947.”61 (492.11/7–2249)]

  1. Not printed; it expressed U.S. desire to begin discussions with the Siamese Government for early settlement of American claims (492.11/6–2846).
  2. Not printed; it requested information about the 90 Americans whose property was reportedly held by the Siamese alien property authorities (740.00119–PW/3–2646).
  3. The American Embassy and the British Foreign Office on September 4 presented to the Netherlands Embassy statements regarding the general principles under which the British and U.S. Governments were handling claims against the Siamese Government (telegram 7973, September 5, and despatch 1665, September 9, from London, filed under 740.00119 PW/9–546 and 9–946).
  4. An intra-office memorandum prepared in the Office of the Legal Adviser on July 7, 1949, stated that while the exchange of communications referred to “do not of themselves constitute a claims agreement between the United States and Siam, they are evidence that such an agreement has been reached.” (492.11/6–1349)