Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Memorandum by General Hsu Yung-chang to General Marshall

No. 7649

On 3 April, General Tung Yen-ping, Deputy Chief of the Generalissimo’s Northeast Headquarters, had a conversation with Lt. General [Page 734] Telochinko (romanized) of the Soviet Army when the latter made the following statements regarding the dates of withdrawal of the various Soviet units.

General Malinovski’s Headquarters with all its staff officers will leave Chang-chun and proceed to Soviet Russia on 6 April.
Soviet troops in Chang-chun will complete withdrawal by the 14th or 15th of April. City garrison Commander Karlov (romanization) will leave Chang-chun last. Chang-chun city and suburb disease prevention posts and army planes at the airfield will be withdrawn on the 10th of April.
Soviet troops of Harbin will complete withdrawal by 25th April.
Soviet city troops at Chi-lin will complete withdrawal from the 13th to 16th, April.
Soviet troops at Chichihar will complete withdrawal by the 26th or 27th, April.
Soviet troops on Mau-tan-kiang will complete withdrawal by the 28th or 29th, April.
Soviet troops at Pei-an, Chia-mu-szu, Pu-li and other places to the north will complete withdrawal by the 10th of April.
Hsu Yung-chang