893.00/9–2746: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

803. Emb[assy] is requested supply info[rmation] on points mentioned below as background helpful to Dept in considering Chinese problems.

Original positions, significant changes of position and most recent stands of Kmt,96 CCP97 and other political elements re number [Page 238] of seats to be assigned each in State Council and re number of votes necessary to exercise veto.
Whether Kmt actually ratified PCC98 decisions without reservation as announced by Central News. We realized that the PCC decisions met with strong opposition in the CEC99 but we would like to know the basis for the CCP charge that Kmt ratification was qualified. Please also endeavor to find out character of reservations, whether open or covert.
  1. Kuomintang.
  2. Chinese Communist Party.
  3. Political Consultative Conference.
  4. Central Executive Committee.