Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr. 52

567. Pl[ea]s[e] give me up to date statement on US shipping being used for water movement Chinese forces northward including phasing out of these ships due to redeployment and also your estimate as to capability of any Chinese Agency taking over after redeployment how many LSTs will be available in period June to August inclusive.

New subject: While I was in Washington the Navy Dept authorized the retention by CinCPac53 of Navy crew specialists, approximately 2,000, would you pls find out from Admiral Cooke54 what the status of this is in China.

[Page 793]

New subject: Pls give me summary of repatriations shipping which might possibly be used for further Chinese Troop movements, together with your estimated list of dates of availability. Also give me state of shipment of supplies, combat, food and other to Manchuria and prospective shipments or shipping possibilities over next 6 months.

  1. Acting Commanding General, U. S. Forces, China Theater, during the absence of General Wedemeyer.
  2. Commander in Chief, Pacific.
  3. Vice Adm. Charles M. Cooke, Jr., Commander, U. S. 7th Fleet.