501.BC Atomic/2–2447: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


173. Following is a draft US resolution to cover the Security Council’s debates on the atomic energy report.1

“The Security Council, having received and considered the first report of the Atomic Energy Commission dated 31 December 1946, together with its letter of transmittal of the same date, notes with satisfaction the wide areas already explored by the Commission, the progress made by it, and the far-reaching extent of agreement on its interim report; notes that many important questions have been considered only in broad outline and remain to be dealt with in more detail by the Commission; notes that the Security Council’s consideration of this report has broadened and more clearly defined the areas [Page 423] of unanimous agreement among the members of the Council on the fundamental principles and basic organizational mechanisms which are indicated as being necessary to attain a strong and comprehensive system of international control of atomic energy; recognizes that any agreement expressed by the members of the Council to the separate portions of the report is preliminary since final acceptance of any part by any nation is conditioned upon its acceptance of all parts of the control plan in its final form; transmits the record of its consideration of the first report of the Atomic Energy Commission to the Commission for the purpose of acquainting it as to the portions of the report on which the members of the Security Council are in agreement and those on which the members of the Security Council are not yet in agreement; urges the Atomic Energy Commission, in accordance with the General Assembly resolutions of 24th January and 14th December 1946, to continue its inquiry into all phases of the problem of the international control of atomic energy and to develop as promptly as possible the specific proposals called for by Section 5 of the General Assembly resolution of 24th January 1946, and in due course to prepare and submit to the Security Council a draft treaty or convention incorporating its ultimate proposals.”

I should appreciate any comments you may have.

  1. Discussions on the Report of the Atomic Energy Commission had occurred at the 105th, 106th, 108th, and 110th Meetings of the Security Council (February 13, 14, 18, and 20th, respectively). This draft was submitted at the 112th Meeting, February 25. In telegram 62 to New York, February 27, the Department of State indicated that it believed that the draft formed an excellent basis for disposal of the matter by the Security Council (501.BC Atomic/2–2747).