740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–2747: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

top secret

4611. For the Ambassador from Lovett. There appears to be some misunderstanding regarding nature request which Bevin discussed with you reurtel 5721, Oct. 27.96 This Govt has not requested a written commitment from Brit with regard to a date for withdrawal of Brit troops from Germany. It is my understanding that Gen Clay made an informal inquiry of Brit negotiators here in order that he could say if questioned by Congress that he had information Brit troops would remain at least until July 1, 1948. This inquiry was wholly private.

We confidently expect that Brit troops will remain in Germany until such a time when the two Govts will have had an opportunity to review their future policy with respect to Germany and to decide upon this issue itself and not as part of any other problem.

  1. Supra.