800.48 FAA/12–2747: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

5572. Bidault began by praising in highest terms the recent Congressional action of voting aid to France. He said furthermore he has no basic objection to any of the terms of the bilateral draft aid agreement, but he does have objection to the manner of implementing some of them.

After I described Department’s position, he said he would endeavor at once to persuade the government to accept the agreement as it is adding, “I shall almost certainly sign it but that may be the last official act of my career. I am not at all concerned as to what the Communists will do and say, but I am very much concerned about possible attacks from the friends of De Gaulle and other very nationalist elements”.

He will study the possibility of writing the preliminary letter suggested by the Department to Bonnet.
