868.00/7–2347: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the American Mission for Aid to Greece

top secret

1169. Gama No. 29. For Griswold. For our info and for possible use in discussion with Tsaldaris if he should raise question again during visit here, we would appreciate telegraphic summary of factors considered by you in arriving at decision outlined urtel Amag 21 July 231 re size of Greek Army and gendarmerie to be supported by AMAG. We would especially like to know whether you and your military and naval assistants consider size of Greek forces outlined urtel adequate to put down increasingly grave guerrilla threats exemplified by recent attacks in Yannina-Konitsa area. Colonel Miller reports that during fighting in that area guerrillas held initiative at all times.

Our concern in this regard is intensified by fact proposed border commission now being debated in Security Council was not designed to cope with large-scale invasions of type cited above. At this moment we can offer Greece no assurance that UN or US can provide protection against such attacks. If situation should continue to deteriorate, we would not wish to be in position of hampering Greek efforts to defend themselves.

We would appreciate your views and comments on foregoing.

  1. Not printed; but see footnote 1, p. 266.