868.50 Porter/3–447: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece

us urgent

264. Following is text of statement to press by Secretary March 4:

“For some time this Government has been endeavoring in various ways to assist in the restoration of the economy of Greece. Spurred by appeals from the Greek Government, it has been studying ways and means of providing additional assistance. This study impelled the dispatch of the economic mission headed by Paul A. Porter which is now in Greece. It has also involved consultations and exchanges of ideas with the Greek Government and the British Government, which has likewise been bending every effort to help Greece.

Recently reports from our own representatives and from the Greek and British Governments have shown that the economic condition of Greece has deteriorated to the verge of collapse. The Greek Government has renewed its request for help. In the light of the world situation, this is a matter of primary importance to the United States. It has received the urgent attention of the President and the executive agencies concerned. It has been discussed with the appropriate Congressional leaders.

I cannot say anything today regarding the action which may be taken, other than that a full public statement will be made very soon, when the executive agencies have completed their consideration of the matter. The problems involved are so far-reaching and of such transcendent importance that any announcement relating to them could properly come only from the President himself. The final decisions will rest with the President and the Congress.”

In response to correspondents’ question Dept’s spokesman said that Greek Chargé had delivered communication March 3 from Greek Govt requesting aid. In answer to further question Dept’s spokesman said that Greek communication made no reference to Brit.

Text Greek note March 3 being released Washington today March 4, 5:30 p. m. Please notify Greek Govt.

Sent Athens 264; rptd London 1022.
