851G.00/6–1347: Telegram

The Ambassador in Siam (Stanton) to the Secretary of State 16


466. Daridan17 who just returned Bangkok from Paris via Saigon where discussed Indochina situation with Bollaert made following personal confidential observations:

Recent French demands Ho Chi Minh were purposely made very stiff because French authorities do not want treat with present Vietnam Govt which they do not regard as being representative of people of Annam and Tonkin. French authorities still hoping either Vietnam Govt will be reorganized to exclude Communist elements or overthrown and replaced by conservative regime, possibly under Bao Dai. Above development French hope may take place during next few months rainy season but if not then French military think they are sufficiently strong destroy Vietnam Govt and gain control and hold principal lines communication, this to be followed by creating new govt. Bollaert favors union Cochin China with Annam and Tonkin and independence for united republic Vietnam but within French Union. On question independence Vietnam, Daridan said it was his observation recent visit Paris that French people particularly Parliament not prepared grant more than independence in French Union. Added he was reasonably optimistic settlement would be effected within few months and stressed Bollaert’s desire achieve settlement.
Situation Cambodia steadily improving according Daridan. Only two bands of Cambodians remain Siemreap area, all other having surrendered to French or dispersed.
Situation in Laos also quiet. Briefly discussed free Laos representatives here. Daridan thinks they and their activities not much import and apparently does not expect continue talks with them.
Discussed question confederation SEA countries. Daridan said he did not find much support this in Paris, that French Foreign Office was divided on question, that even proponents were thinking only terms economic [and] cultural matters and that there was definitely no thought political confederation. In this connection he said Laos feared Siam domination confederation.
Daridan slated head Asia Dept French Foreign Office but said Bollaert who is old and close friend insisting he accept position Indochina assist him. Matter being decided Paris. According Daridan, French Minister Siam will probably be Gilbert, presently Chief Personnel Dept, Foreign Office.

Sent Dept 466, Saigon by courier 15.

Dept. please repeat Paris.

  1. Repeated by the Department to Hanoi as telegram 55, June 19, 3 p.m.
  2. Jean Daridan, French Chargé in Siam.