710 Consultation 4/8–2247: Telegram

The Chairman of the United States Delegation (Marshall) to the Acting Secretary of State


51. Daily Conference summary 6. Central Committee approved plan work Conference and fixed August 28 termination work committees. Brazil proposed September 5 closing session but Committee decided leave open, in view possibility earlier termination.

Committee I established two subcommittees begin substantive work. Discussion and proposals. Committee II show considerable support inclusion comprehensive definition aggression. Subcommittee Committee III decided organ consultation under treaty should be meetings Foreign Ministers but that PAU governing board could act on interim basis. Possibility left open use other methods by agreement parties.

Following Mexican proposal economic cooperation now supported fourteen other countries, including US, Brazil, Argentina:

That inter-American ECOSOC prepare draft agreement economic cooperation submission Bogotá; that staffs members be augmented for purpose; and that special economic conference be called second half next year, time to be set by Bogotá Conference, to study-procedures carry out agreement and make economic cooperation more effective.

Prearranged plan, which called for presentation above resolution Central Committee today, stalled because Belt (Cuba), pretending cooperation, said he wanted obtain approval government drop Cuban economic resolution in favor Mexican proposal.

Now learn Belt will insist presentation tomorrow proposal economic aggression, notwithstanding pledge cooperation to members US delegation. Therefore present plan is that Mexican proposal will be presented tomorrow and US will second.

Plenary session speeches Trujillo (Ecuador) and Zuleta Angel (Colombia). Trujillo stated hemisphere must close ranks and prepare eventualities in view two opposing forces world today. Stated that after individualistic fight last century for separate sovereignties and period romantic Pan-Americanism, American representatives now see necessary articulate individual sovereignties giving up part in interest sovereignty hemisphere. In discussing Ecuadorian proposals, he stated principle inviolability treaties must be modified prevent perpetuation injustice, insisted must define aggression in treaty; and supported Mexican proposal basic charter Bogotá.

Zuleta placed great emphasis Latin American unity although giving US high praise, and referred brave fight Latin American delegations [Page 54] San Francisco for autonomy inter-American system. Insisted system should have complete liberty in pacific settlement, full right self-defense and full choice of taking necessary preventive steps in event aggression, limiting rigor of principle of article 53, UN charter by distinguishing between coercive and preventive measures, latter not requiring S[ecurity] C[ouncil] authorization.
