834.00/8–1647: Telegram

The Chargé in Paraguay (Trueblood) to the Secretary of State


462. At regular weekly meeting Chiefs of Mission at noon there was extended discussion of problem created by haphazard bombing of [Page 993] city by rebel planes which seems to serve no military purpose. Bomb fell and exploded this morning close to Mexican Embassy only 50 yards from Secretary Hoyt’s house. Mexican Ambassador proposed a collective exhortation that such attacks cease. Brazilian and Argentine Ambassadors recommended instead that each envoy report sense of meeting to his govt and request instructions. This was agreed to. The French Minister and Uruguayan Chargé favored advising rebels “informally” of view of Corps; Argentina led general objection to this course on grounds Corps has no contact with rebels and should have none.

Peruvian Ambassador also urged statement by Corps to effect that it would welcome immediate solution of Paraguayan problem. Venezuelan Chargé agreed vehemently on ground Corps is being accused of indifference to this situation and that this misconception ought to be corrected. Argentina violently disagreed, insisting everything humanly possible to do has been done.

Repeated Rio 127, Buenos Aires 167, sent Dept 462.
