Editorial Note

The agreement for the economic fusion of the United States and United Kingdom Zones of Occupation of Germany, concluded on December 2, 1946 (for text, see Germany 1947–1949, page 450) and amended on December 17, 1947 (for text, see ibid., page 454), was scheduled to expire on December 31, 1948. Discussions within the United States Government, with United States occupation authorities, and between the United States and British Governments, were carried on during the last months of 1948, regarding extension of the agreement. It was decided that it would not be practicable to negotiate a new fusion agreement to include France prior to December 31. It was therefore finally agreed to extend the current Bizonal Fusion Agreement for three months. A note from the British Ambassador dated December 31, 1948, prepared by officers of the British Embassy and the Department of State, together with the Secretary of State’s reply of the same date, constituted an agreement extending the Bizonal Fusion Agreement. For the text of the Secretary’s note, which included the text of the British Ambassador’s note, see ibid., page 460. Documentation on the exchanges and negotiations eventuating in the exchange of notes of December 31 is included in the Department of State’s file 740.00119 Control (Germany).