890F.7962/11–1448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Saudi Arabia

top secret   us urgent

471. This Govt most appreciative King’s concrete expression friendship in suggesting closer association outlined Legtel 589, Nov 14. We [Page 257] share his wish that US–SA friendly relations be continued and strengthened. While our relations with Brit most friendly and cooperative, Dept does not feel proposed tripartite alliance would now be practicable and instead wishes continue cooperation with Saudi Arabia along present lines which have already brought substantial benefits to SA. Further discussion tripartite suggestion contained following tel.

While not losing sight other lines cooperation which it may be possible pursue in future, USG believes time has come for US and SA reaffirm on long-term basis practical cooperation symbolized in Dhahran Airbase. This Base has been of benefit to US but benefits to SA have been as great if not greater. US hopes SA will recognize substantial US contribution in money, materials, and manpower in constructing and underwriting Base.

Following for your background info to explain policy outlined above:—

Thinking of Nat Mil Estab has not crystalized re Dhahran. US strategic planners do not at present know extent commitments they may be called upon to enforce, such as possible aid to China, expanded aid to Europe, etc. nor do they know amount funds that will be available to finance men and materials needed carry out above. Dept has had almost daily talks with various Air Force and Nat Mil Establ planners but because difficulties outlined can get nothing definite on such questions as expanding facilities and personnel Dhahran Air Base, increasing training given there, and possibility eventually furnishing mil equipment SAG. Weeks and even months must necessarily pass before definite answers can be obtained these and similar questions. Therefore, Dept has reluctantly come conclusion that best course approach is to point out importance Dhahran to King and show extent assistance we are granting him by maintaining and operating air field and air base. If he should counter with certain specific requests other than general tripartite agreement, mentioned above, these will be presented Nat Mil Establ for consideration. For your info only, at present Air Force considers Dhahran important but not vital and is in no position make extensive commitments re expansion training, or providing mil equipment if such should be required for extension of Agreement.

Above considerations prompt Dept suggest you seek personal interview with King or his designated rep and inform him orally as follows:

Expanded US global mil commitments make continuance Base operation heavy burden on our Nat Mil Establ which nonetheless wishes continue operation, both in its own interest and as proof US interest in SA.
In order justify to Congress appropriation in peacetime relatively large sums this purpose, matter must be put to Congress on [Page 258] basis long-term agreement. Substantial long-term benefits must be proved to Congress in order obtain funds for projects outside Western Hemisphere. If Nat Mil Establ continues Dhahran operation it proposes request Congress for more than $19 million to rehabilitate Base and $8 million a year thereafter, such sums subject budgetary and administrative adjustment. Period extension on which Nat Mil Estab could expect favorable action would be for additional 25 yrs, cancellation subject to six months’ notice either party.
In pointing out advantages which accrue SA you should emphasize (a) Airfield highly important SA oil industry as link with outside world. Also served as stimulus commercial aviation in SA well as facilitating pilgrimage. Its status as international air field dependent on maintenance highest operation standards. SAG has already undertaken keep air field open total ten yrs until March 15, 1956 (para 7 SAG Note Jan 2, 1946). Upkeep will require subsidies millions dols annually (Dept A–76, Oct 121). Such subsidies would be great burden SAG since traffic unlikely achieve sufficient volume to pay for more than small portion necessary outlays. (b) Base provides best and cheapest air field operation training facilities for SA nationals, impossible duplicate except at very great expense to SAG. Dhahran and other SA air fields can continue absorb output ground crew men trained at Base for many yrs with allowance for normal turnover and reserve requirements. Arrangements for advanced training airport personnel in US described Deptel 434, Nov. 121 indicate magnitude US efforts implement its undertaking provide training. SAG would have steadily increasing degree of participation in maintenance throughout period US operation. Overall direction would remain with US but if SAG desires US technical personnel could eventually be replaced to large extent by Saudis and advanced trainees could understudy US officers. (c) US has concluded bilateral Air Agreement with virtually every state except SA through which US certified carriers operate and would like conclude similar agreement with SA. However, if in your judgment extension existing agreement could be facilitated by simple exchange notes you are authorized do so provided civil air rights outlined exchange notes Dec 20, 1945—Jan 2, 1946 are specifically included. Dept must approve draft any such note in advance its submission SAG. For your info should Dhahran Airport be closed or rendered unsuitable for CAA certification, probability exists US airlines could utilize other international airfields existing or being planned at Kuwait, Basra or Abadan.

US Govt earnestly hopes SAG will consider Airbase program on its own merits and be prepared extend agreement on basis outlined above which can be favorably recommended Congress. By so doing SAG will reinforce that friendly spirit in which we will continue to plan and cooperate for our mutual benefit. If you perceive no fundamental objections you may proceed along lines suggested without further authorization from Dept.

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