890F.7962/12–1848: Telegram

The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Childs) to the Secretary of State

top secret

648. Legtel 647.1 Following suggested draft note to Foreign Office re Dhahran air base agreement:

[Page 261]

“Have honor acting on instructions my government request, in consideration of friendly ties existing between US and Saudi Arabia, renewal existing Dhahran air base agreement which expires March 15, 1949.

“Renewal of this agreement will permit USAF continue to discharge its existing long range communications commitments and will at same time afford opportunity for continuation and even expansion of training program for Saudi Arabian students Dhahran and in US. It is my government’s view, which it is believed SAG will share, maintenance Dhahran air base agreement offers particularly practical means for continuation friendly collaboration already existing between two governments.

“Existing air base agreement provides US Government will turn over these installations in sound condition to SAG for operation, control and maintenance upon expiration of agreement. My government interprets this as obligation which will necessitate expenditure at Dhahran of amount of from 5 to 25 million dollars for new construction during fiscal year beginning July 1, 1949. Moreover, my government interprets such provision as a continuing obligation to maintain Dhahran air base in state to ensure its delivery in sound condition to SAG upon eventual expiration agreement with expenditure of such funds as may be necessary for that purpose. The amounts to be expended, in addition to the sums already mentioned, will naturally depend upon use which it may be desire to make of base in agreement with SAG.

“In view possibility USAF may desire extend base, my government would like an assurance that SAG would be prepared at an appropriate time to consider extension present limitation 2,000 personnel to maximum of 6,000.

“My government requests existing air base agreement be extended for period of at least one year and that its life after March 15, 1950 be subject to annual extensions of 12 months in absence notice from either government to other of intention to terminate agreement upon six months notice.”

Sent Department 648; repeated London 184, Dhahran 312.

  1. Supra.