890F.7962/12–1848: Telegram

The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Childs) to the Secretary of State

top secret

651. Deputy Foreign Minister called me Foreign Office today and said he had reported to His Majesty our conversation yesterday re Dhahran. His Majesty had instructed him to “facilitate” conclusion agreement. Later Yusuf said he would not attend Arab League meeting Cairo in order be present Jidda for discussions with me. He also said I should get word Colonel O’Keefe to forget about any preparations for evacuation beginning January 15.1

Yusuf asked if I had any ideas re agreement. I outlined proposals made to Department Legtel 648 this date and gained distinct impression such proposals were satisfactory basis at present time. I emphasized I had no notion whatsoever of what Department desired in way of agreement and he has not therefore to accept outline I had given as foreshadowing proposals we would make.

Yusuf indicated King recognized difficulty for us at this time of joining renewal agreement with satisfying Saudi defense needs. It was suggested temporary agreement could be concluded leaving question conclusion tripartite agreement and examination Saudi Arabian larger defense needs to more appropriate moment which might arise 6 to 12 months hence. Yusuf said it was hoped we would under new agreement assume all costs feeding and maintainance Saudi students Dhahran for which SAG now being billed at rate of approximately $2500 monthly. He also indicated SAG very pleased USAF treatment Saudis Dhahran and lack any discrimination, remarking, “We would like this to serve as model for Aramco which does not give Saudis equality of treatment to which we insist they are entitled”. I remarked importance this problem recognized by US Government and I thought also by Aramco. He said promises had been made to ameliorate situation but he had not been to Dhahran recently to determine if promises kept, expressing considerable skepticism that they had.

Sent Department 651, repeated London 187, Dhahran 315.

  1. Jidda reported, on December 15, that Colonel O’Keefe had received orders from the Department of the Air Force to institute plans for the evacuation of Dhahran on January 15, 1948 (telegram 643, 890F.7962/12–1548).