867N.01/4–2648: Telegram

The Ambassador in Egypt (Tuck) to the Secretary of State


422. Current plans for entrance Arab states forces into Palestine prior May 15 now being discussed Cairo with participation regent of [Page 863] Iraq, have hit snag in opposition Egyptian Government to such participation, according to well informed source. Nokrashi Pasha1 opposes such action generally, and by Egypt in particular, because: (1) Fear of repercussions in Egypt at UN with adverse effect on Anglo-Egyptian relations; (2) All Egyptian forces now required in Egypt for internal political reasons. These believed to be fear of Wafdist disturbances, possible attempt at coup and renewal of police strike; (3) Troops inadequately armed and equipped, hence would be ineffective. This argument believed inspired by view that defeat Egyptian Army at hands of Jews would effectively destroy Egyptian contention that it can defend itself without foreign assistance; (4) Fear that Arab forces might prove ineffective in protecting Palestinians, therefore permanently damaging Arab cause in Palestine.

Presence here Abdul Ilah2 with Iraqi Army officers believed due to desire to influence King Farouk to support resolution relative participation Arab armies in Palestine as prepared recent discussions Arab League Military Commission in Amman.3 Regent is said to be urging King Farouk with argument Egypt cannot continue to do less for Palestine than other Arab countries without losing place and prestige in Arab world.

Sent Department as 422; paraphrase sent Arab capitals.

  1. Egyptian Prime Minister.
  2. The Regent of Iraq.
  3. London, on April 26, reported the substance of a telegram of the previous day from British Minister Sir Alec S. Kirkbride to the British Foreign Office, which stated that King Abdullah, Regent Addul Ilah, the Lebanese Prime Minister, the Iraqui Minister, the Transjordan Ministers and General Ismail Safwat, an Iraqi, who was Chairman of the Arab League Military Staff Committee, had met at Amman on April 24. The upshot of the meeting was that the “Lebanese Prime Minister is going Cairo with letter from King to Azzam stating Transjordan cannot cope alone with Palestine situation and before moving wants assurance full support all Arab states re men, money and materials. Letter asks for pounds 1 and ½ million credit. Regent is also going Cairo to ascertain whether Egyption Govt prepared help.” (Telegram 1733, 867N.01/4–2648)