195.91/9–3048: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt


1382. Position which Dept has consistently maintained (urtels 1435 Oct 2, 1425 Sept 30, and 1420 Sept 291) is that Amer vessels are free [Page 1462] to trade with ports of all nations and US has refrained from recommending that Amer vessels accede to pressure or sanctions imposed by Arabs upon vessels trading with other nations. At same time Dept has kept shipping companies informed of Arab and Israeli actions affecting their interests and has informed them that decision re continuance of operating schedules must be made by them and at their own risk.

Egypt, in order not to be accused of being aggressor nation, has maintained position that its intervention in Palestine was solely to restore peace and order. This Govt has never recognized that Egypt has belligerent status and insists that interference US shipping inconsistent with peacetime practices. Therefore, Emb should continue to impress upon authorities that US considers interference US shipping as contrary to international practice and as injurious to international trade and particularly that between US and Egypt.

For your info re subject US retaliation raised by AmExp reps (see memo conversation Sept 222), there is of course possibility that activities of Egyp Govt might lead Amer shipping companies to request President or Congress to take retaliatory measures against Egyp shipping interests.3

  1. None printed.
  2. Memorandum by Mr. Satterthwaite of conversation with representatives of the American Export Lines, not printed (195.91/9–2248).
  3. Minister Pinkerton, on October 24, reported information from the Lebanese Foreign Office that the Marine Carp, an American Export Lines vessel, would not be permitted entry into Beirut. He concluded that “Experience … shows that insuperable difficulties may be expected if attempt is made to serve both Israeli and Arab ports with same vessels.” (Telegram 547, October 24, from Beirut) As a result, the Department, the next day, recommended to the United States Maritime Commission “that the outbound itinerary of the S.S. Marine Carp, which is scheduled to sail from New York on November 3, be restricted to Piraeus and Haifa.” Both messages are filed under 195.91/10–2448.