501.BB Palestine/12–348: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


Gadel 672. For Amb Griffis. On basis verbatim reports Committee III debate on refugee resolution, following countries expressed general willingness contribute to program: Denmark, Lebanon, Netherlands, Sweden, Brazil, Dominican Republic. Egypt stated it had decided lend 10,000 tons wheat. Argentina will contribute but unable give dols or gold. Venezuela prepared contribute “considerable sum of money”. Uruguay ready make contribution but must obtain parliamentary approval. Norway prepared make immediate contribution in kind, unable make cash payment before July. India will make symbolic contribution. Australia unable make contribution in dols over and above its contribution in other currencies and in kind. USSR “fully disposed” give all possible aid to Palestinian people. Belgium as co-sponsor resolution presumably prepared contribute. UK contributing one million pounds sterling. France 500,000,000 francs.

In conjunction USDel and Secretariat, you may wish firm up these commitments and any others known to USDel, prior adjournment GA.
