501.BC Indonesia/10–1248: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia

us urgent

497. Usgoc 166. Upon receipt Gocus 407 Oct 12 UndSec requested to see Neth Charge.1 UndSec read to Reuchlin and Helb telegram from RepDel to GOC re instructions to Palar. UndSec explained his desire prevent any possible misunderstanding on part Neth Govt re consequences SC debate this subject and US position therein. He stated that record would show greater disposition on part Repub than on part Neth to accept proposals presented by USDel and backed by US Govt. He read points 1 through 5 Cochran’s memo to Schuurman Oct 10 and stated Dept considered Cochran’s suggestions altogether sound, reasonable and realistic. He stated there might still be time, if Neth prepared act promptly, to prevent short-circuiting GOC negotiations by reference whole question to SC. He said US prepared through its delegation USUN Paris seek secure delay presentation case by Repub provided Neth for its part act promptly in accordance with suggestions contained Cochran’s memo to Schuurman.

Neth Reps opined Neth Govt could not take action promptly enough forestall Palar’s carrying out instructions, implying that Neth cabinet action would be slowed rather than accelerated by what it would regard as threat, which threat Neth prepared to meet in SC. Neth reps then suggested that Cochran might be able take some action vis-à-vis Repub designed gain short breathing spell during which Neth Govt could come to decision re suggestions made in Cochran’s memo.

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UndSec agreed request Cochran approach Hatta on following basis. View fact Cochran’s suggestions to Schuurman were presented Oct 10, and view fact these suggestions might pave way for resumption negotiations with prospect successful conclusion, Repub requested delay submission case to SC for 48 hours, in hope NethDel might receive instructions proceed with negotiations on satisfactory basis.

In your discretion you may approach Hatta along line suggested above in attempt gain delay. USUN will be requested attempt delay Paris.2

View possible repercussions SC resulting from withholding Neth reply by USDel, you may consider wisest course is transmission Neth counterproposals to Repub and GOC this time along with USDel’s plan. In such case, you are authorized do so explaining to Repub reasons for having withheld. This removes instruction para 2 Usgoc 159.3

  1. Johnkheer Otto Reuchlin, Netherlands Minister.
  2. Telegram Gadel 186, October 12, 8 p. m., to Paris, not printed. The Security Council moved to Paris during the period of the meeting at Paris of the Third Regular Session of the General Assembly, September–December.
  3. Telegram 481, October 8, p. 396.