501.BC Indonesia/10–1348: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia


500. Usgoc 167. Dept informed by William Hunt Co. it has contracted deliver to Maramis1 Indonesian Republican banknotes; that banknotes-to be engraved by Security Banknote Co. Dept told Hunt Neth regards circulation Repub currency as derogation Neth sovereignty, that GOC regards unification currency throughout Indonesia as major objective in present negotiations and that when USI formed, USI currency will presumably be required and not currency present parties to dispute. Hunt replied he will delay transaction and contract includes “escape clause” providing contract invalid if Dept raises objections. Advise whether you wish Dept take further steps with Hunt or Security Banknote.

  1. Dr. A. A. Maramis, Indonesian Republic Minister of Finance.