896.001 Quirino/4–1748: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines


484. For the Ambassador: As soon as practicable after Mr. Quirino1 has taken oath of office as President, please give him message from President as follows “As you assume the heavy burdens of the office of President, I should like to express to you my confidence that the close and friendly relations which have always existed between the United States and the Philippines will continue. I also wish to convey to you my gratification that you are bringing to your high office the intimate knowledge of world problems with which you became familiar as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and to assure you of my sincere desire [Page 626] that the Governments of our two countries will continue to cooperate closely in seeking solutions for those problems. Harry S. Truman”.

  1. Vice President Elpidio Quirino assumed the Presidency on April 17.