711.9612/9–1748: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines


1190. Re para 2, Embtel 1795, Sep 17.1

Emb authorized confirm US intention negotiate arbitration treaty.
  • (a) In exchange notes interpreting Art. 3 conciliation treaty,2 to be considered part such treaty, Dept prefers no reference negotiation arbitration treaty, deeming reference extraneous.
  • (b) Consider unnecessary formal exchange notes agreeing negotiation arbitration treaty. This would constitute agreement without substantive provisions.
Dept study draft arbitration treaty under way. Upon completion draft and clearance will transmit for Emb consideration.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Signed at Manila, November 16, 1946; for text, see Department of State Bulletin, February 9, 1947, p. 254.