893.00/11–1448: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

2213. Military position Government deteriorating rapidly and Communist occupation Nanking–Shanghai area expected near future. Generalissimo apparently determined attempt defense Nanking but has insufficient forces avert its loss and will probably be forced flee to some other point in China. On these conditions orderly transfer power to successor government highly unlikely. Orderly transfer possible if Generalissimo removed or left office in favor temporary [Page 886] caretaker government but we have no firm reason anticipate such development.

We believe only sporadic unorganized resistance to Communist will prevail after fall capital. Communists will have military capability move armies virtually any point in country without significant resistance. Flight or disintegration present Government will probably result in high incidence civil unrest and breakdown law and order throughout country with hazards to personal safety American and other foreign nationals.

Rapid spread hostilities involves likelihood American naval and military facilities for emergency evacuate American and other foreign nonofficial persons to places of safety will not be available. Commercial transport for this purpose greatly overburdened.

Because of likelihood conditions hazardous for American and other foreign nationals and prospective nonavailability means emergency movement to places of safety we have reached decision implement emergency evacuation plans at once for practically all of China. These plans involve provision transport from interior to coastal points and onward movement to US and/or other places outside country. Persons involved are nonofficial American nationals. Yet foreign nationals will be moved for humanitarian reason and on space available basis. Arrangement for this transport is responsibility ComNavWesPac and is provided for under “emergency condition D” of his operation plan 10360 copies of which are held by some addressees this message.

We are authorizing ComNavWesPac set condition D as of 0800 hours local time Tuesday, November 16. Protective features included in plan under condition D will be invoked only as needed and emphasis will be on transport. Accordingly at that time you should release following statement all Americans your district.

“In view generally deteriorating situation and likelihood that means of exit from China may later be unavailable, all Americans in blank consular district who are not prepared to remain in areas where they now reside under possibly hazardous conditions should plan at once to move to places of safety. Facilities for movement are being arranged and will be announced shortly. These facilities will probably be available for only short period of time. Therefore, all persons intending take advantage this opportunity for movement should do so immediately on receipt of information on time and place of availability of transport.”

This notice should be sent Americans your district by fastest possible means. Suggest at interior points it be telegraphed to selected key Americans for dissemination to balance local American communities.

[Page 887]

Consuls having local emergency plan coordinated with ComNavWesPac plan 103 should note that only those measures planned under condition D relate to transport to place of safety are currently invoked. All Consuls should take other measures such as internal security of Consulate only as individual appraisal of local situation indicates.

Consuls whose local emergency and evacuation plans have not been coordinated with ComNavWesPac plan nor with AAG Air Evacuation Agency will be further advised on necessary procedures. At interior points it is desirable prospective evacuees begin soonest possible concentrate at points from which their removal by air or water is feasible.

Consuls will be further informed of plans for removal official dependents and such female personnel as may desire to place of safety from which their return to posts may be readily possible when conditions stable.

Circular Chinese Consulates except Hong Kong, Dairen, Tihwa, Mukden, repeated Department as 2213.

  1. Not printed.