810.50 Buenos Aires/8–1649: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics, Except Bolivia

The following exchange of telegrams between Embassy La Paz and the Department may be of interest, particularly in the event that Colombian missions in countries other than Bolivia are also being instructed to endeavor to gain support for early holding of Buenos Aires Economic Conference:

“451, August 11, 1949, from La Paz

“Subsecretary Foreign Office called me in this p. m. to ask if I would communicate with Department obtain its views re holding inter-American economic conference Buenos Aires before end this year. Alvarado told me he was making this request because he has been approached by Colombian Minister here, who said Colombian Government wished conference be held and it is supported this desire by Mexican and other governments.

“Alvarado said did not wish to give Bolivians’ answer until after consulting US Government and had put off answering Colombian Minister saying he would have to take matter up with new Foreign Minister taking office this weekend. However, he has to reply on Monday August 15 whether Bolivia will or will not support Colombian proposal. He would therefore greatly appreciate receipt Department’s views by Monday a. m. at latest. I respectfully request immediate instructions.”

“Department’s telegram to La Paz drafted August 121

“You may inform Alvarado that while US always prepared participate BA Conf (Embtel 451 Aug 11) it has consistently stated in IAECOSOC that preps must be adequate if conf not to be fiasco.

IAECOSOC has not yet completed what in Dept view is most important part of con preps, i.e. study of and recommendations for solution of, current major Hemisphere econ problems, which recommendations should be submitted to Govts well in advance of conf.

“One of main conf objectives is to consider most desirable procedures for implementing Bogotá Econ Agreement. Numerous reservations to Econ Agreement including those by US have impeded ratification, and IAECOSOC has attempted solution reservations problem by means of additional protocol (see Dept circ instr Mar 7, 1949). At this moment success protocol method to solve reservations problem doubtful.

“In light foregoing Dept would oppose attempting now repeat now to fix early conf date.

“Following for your own info:

“Colombia appears only Govt actively pressing for BA conf apparently ignoring that particular projects it favored, incl Inter-Amer [Page 429] Bank, were already in effect rejected by IAECOSOC2 (though Colombia perhaps hopes revive them at BA). Arg Govt apparently taking no initiative whatsoever for cong.”

  1. This message was sent to La Paz as Department telegram 206, August 12, 1949 (810.50 Buenos Aires/8–1149).
  2. See Annals, 1949, p. 315.