501.BB/8–3049: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Ross)


454. Urtel 1019 Aug 30. You should again approach Cadogan and give him fol background Dept’s thinking re Chi Govt proposed appeal to UN:

When Chi Govt broached matter, Dept of opinion in view friendly relations and US support Chi Govt over period years we could not refuse assurance conditional support. Dept had in mind circumstance China White Paper in sense committed US some degree support if [Page 166] Chi raised issue in UN. At same time Dept considered undesirable and unwise give assurances full support prior to full knowledge Chi Govt case and nature supporting evidence. Further consideration possibility Chi appeal offers advantages to USSR from propaganda standpoint and might end in Soviet request Chi Comms be heard before UN. Dept also considered no certainty Chi could develop case which would stand up from legal aspect nor did it feel confident Chi Govt could present case effectively. As was true last year when Chi approached Sec Marshall at Paris re possible Chi Govt appeal to UN re Soviet actions aid Chi Comms, Dept feels decision properly one for Chi Govt to make. Chi Govt objectives as recently revealed by Tsiang raise doubts regarding extent to which US support shld or wld go. If objective confined to finding Soviet violations treaty, wld appear, if realized, offer possible advantages to US, both from propaganda standpoint and possible basis for Chi abrogation Sino-Soviet Treaty. To go beyond this objective and seek GA resolutions re non-recognition Comm. regime and re moral and material support Nat Govt appears inappropriate and unrelated to Soviet treaty violations, and might restrict freedom future US course of action.

In light foregoing, you shld inform Cadogan US Govt no comment to make on Brit FonOff tel mentioned ref tel.
