840.00/3–1649: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Political Adviser for Germany (Riddleberger), at Berlin


325. Personal for Riddleberger from Murphy. Pls see Clay’s personal signal to Army FMPC 582, Mar 161 citing alleged statements Fr ConGen Munich. We have always been aware that such views were held by DeGaullist party but have never believed they reflected official Fr Govt position. Alleged statements conflict with Fr policy as stated in successive CFM Mtgs and furthermore with Fr Govt commitments taken under London Agreements. We concur with Clay’s comments first part, second para his message.2 From Schuman’s recent statements we had assumed Fr Govt agreed with us that beginning of European solution shld be made with closer association Western German entity with western system. Suggest you make informal inquiry Seydoux or St. Hardouin concerning accuracy of report and its meaning.

Have just recd your 276.3 Will be interested learning Koenig’s reply and result any inquiries you may make. [Murphy.]

  1. Not printed; it reported that the French Consul General in Munich had stated that the French Government would not accept Germany in a European federation unless it could deal with representatives of the German Laender and not with a central German Government. (840.00/3–1649)
  2. Clay had commented that such French remarks could only have a disastrous effect on German morale and was one more French effort to retard the establishment of an effective Western German Government.
  3. Not printed; it transmitted the substance of FMPC 582 and reported that Clay had asked General Koenig to investigate the matter. (840.00/3–1649)