501.BB Balkan/3–149

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief, Division of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs (Baxter)


When the Greek Ambassador called at my office today I took the occasion to mention a recent telegram from Mr. Drew, U.S. Representative on UNSCOB, reporting that Mr. Dalietos, on behalf of Mr. Pipinelis, had raised the question of the advisability of reopening the Greek case at the forthcoming session of the General Assembly in April.1 I told the Greek Ambassador that the Department did not [Page 259] favor such a move for a variety of reasons. We all felt that a very satisfactory resolution resulted from the consideration of the Greek case in Paris and that many national delegations who were sympathetic to Greece would not be happy at the prospect of further protracted debates on this subject which would inevitably entail the customary endless harangues of the Soviet bloc. A reintroduction of the case would imply a new resolution and we see no necessity for any further substantive action by the General Assembly at this time. Presumably the reports of UNSCOB some months hence will contain much more evidence in support of Greece than could be assembled at the present time, considering the fact that the observers had had very little opportunity during the winter to conduct investigations near the frontier.

The Ambassador said he could not agree more fully and would immediately express his disapproval of any move of this sort to Mr. Kyrou2 in New York and to the Foreign Office in Athens. I told the Ambassador that we were also transmitting our views to Sew York and Athens.

Contrary to the information contained in Mr. Drew’s telegram, the Ambassador said he had not been consulted as yet on this matter by his Foreign Office and that if he had known that this matter was being given any consideration, even of a superficial nature, he would have recommended against any such move.

  1. Under reference here is telegram 362, Combal 371, February 26, from Athens, not printed (501.BB Balkan/2–2649). Alexander Dalietos was the Director of the Balkans Committee Department of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Alexis Kyrou, Greek Permanent Representative to the United Nations.