Secretary’s Daily Meetings, Lot 58 D 609

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Executive Secretariat (Humelsine)


eyes only

Subject: Summary of Daily Meeting With the Secretary

Participants: The Secretary
The Under Secretary
Mr. Rusk
Mr. Kennan
Mr. Bohlen
Mr. Humelsine

Arab Refugee Problem

Mr. Webb said that Mr. George McGhee was back from his preliminary survey of the Arab Refugee problem and that he was seeing McGhee and Rusk on this subject at 5:30 in the afternoon. In connection with this item, Mr. Acheson said that it was his opinion that we should have a more positive program in regard to our relationship with [the] Israeli[s]. Mr. Rusk said that in this connection the Department was making a study of the various steps that we could take to put positive pressure on the Israeli Government in an attempt to secure a reasonable and fair settlement of the problem.

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