501.BB Palestine/6–2749: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel


405. Dept concurs views expressed ConGen Jlem in Sharett interview reported Jlem Tel 445, Jun 25, rptd Tel Aviv as 66.

If official reply not yet received, or if unsatisfactory on points indicated reftel, pls reiterate views to appropriate officials. Our reference to Jlem constituting threat to peace was not an accusation but rather a statement of concern entertained by USG. Same statement concern made in presenting proposal TJ Govt. Concern seemed legitimate especially in view troop movements neutral zone. As result various consultations USG glad to have assurances such concern not warranted.

Restriction terms reference MAC to questions in Art 8 would frustrate one of main objectives in making US proposal. On basis our info previous negots re this art we feel they must be given broader base if agreement to be reached.’ Emphasize that Art 8 calls for negotiated agreement and this can only be done in negots between parties.

Re demarcation Arab-Jewish zones, this subject has special position in relation armistice on one hand and final peace on other. PCC given task formulating detailed proposals for Jlem at fall session GA. Most appropriate such proposals should include permanent demarcation lines and other arrangements now under discussion in Jlem. Opportunity to achieve final settlement Jlem is perhaps best prospect for progress this year and shld be seized by parties concerned. Furthermore agreement questions residence Arab-Jewish inhabitants respective zones will become more difficult the longer negots are delayed.

Pls use arguments above and those in reftel in manner to indicate strong view USG that proposal entirely fair and equitable and urgently [Page 1188] desirable shld be accepted as means settling Jlem case and definite progress toward permanent peace in Palestine.1

  1. This telegram was repeated to Jerusalem and Amman and to Bern for the American Delegation at Lausanne. Ambassador McDonald read excerpts of telegram 405 to Mr. Shiloah on July 1, “stressing USG insistence on broader base formal Jerusalem settlement.” These views were reiterated to Miss Herlitz by Mr. Ford on July 5 (telegram 524, July 9, 2 p. m., from Tel Aviv, 501.BB Palestine/7–949).