501.MA Palestine/6–2549: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in London


2259. Pls seek early opportunity call upon Bevin and review questions outlined Deptel 2198, June 25 and 2223, June 28.1 You shld then make representations along fol lines:

[Page 1192]

USG disturbed by UK attitude concerning Gaza strip and refugees therein as set forth urtel 2501,2 June 28 and puzzled re basis FonOff belief that Egypt might be prepared assume responsibility for refugees in Gaza strip, view population pressure in Egypt and steadfast refusal Egyptian authorities, in response approaches by US reps both Washington and Cairo, to consider acceptance even token number. In this connection, UK will recall that Egyptian auths recently took steps remove into Gaza strip some 10,000 refugees who were being maintained in Egyptian territory.

Egypt thus appears excluded as settlement area. Moreover, UK will recall that US–UK refugee working papers give no indication Gaza strip has economic potential for settlement any significant portion of refugees now in area. In addition resident population of 80,000, who are for most part on relief at present time, Dept estimates number refugees in Gaza strip at minimum of 230,000, not 150,000 as UK appears to believe (last para urtel).

In view of foregoing, USG finds it difficult believe Egypt has any plans involving either total or partial Egyptian responsibility for disposition Gaza refugees or that Egypt capable formulating such plans in foreseeable future.

USG recognizes that strategic considerations involved in UK thinking this question. In opinion USG, however, any strategic advantages which might be obtained from permanent retention Gaza strip plus present occupants by Egypt wld appear to be outweighed by administrative burden and enormous financial requirements involved in maintenance refugees on permanent basis, particularly since nature of area precludes execution of self-sustaining settlement projects.

US is prepared support politically feasible modification Egyptian frontier in return for cession Gaza strip with all present occupants to Israel. In interests Egyptian-Israeli security, and equally in interests US–UK security, however, USG is convinced that speedy solution of refugee problem, establishment final Palestine settlement, and encouragement of modus vivendi between Israel and Arab states constitute firmer basis for strategic security of all states concerned than cld be achieved through exploitation minor military advantages of Gaza strip.

US has made and continues to make strongest representations to Israel urging quantitative acceptance substantial number refugees without territorial acquisition. No result has so far been obtained, and only hopeful development presaging repatriation of large numbers of refugees has been Israeli offer concerning Gaza strip. View facts that agreement between Israel and Egypt on Gaza strip and refugees would probably pave way for Israeli-Egyptian final settlement [Page 1193] and thereby constitute decisive step towards overall Palestine settlement; that funds for UNRPR program are rapidly being exhausted; and that possibility getting UN action on constructive refugee program this autumn along lines contemplated by US–UK becoming increasingly remote, USG firmly convinced that Gaza proposal shld become basis for discussion between Egypt and Israel. USG hopes UK will agree that solution of grave and potentially explosive question of refugees is of overriding importance to US–UK strategic interests in NE area, and therefore reiterates its urgent request for firm UK support of US representations to Egypt.

  1. This was a repeat of 635 to Cairo, supra.
  2. Not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 1180.