501.BC Indonesia/1–2149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands 1


54. Dept appreciates your efforts reach common viewpoint with Dutch on SC resolution. Parallel efforts have been made by Neth Emb here to influence text. We have tried keep center of discussions in Lake Success where our reprs have worked to find draft which would express views of SC and also be acceptable to Dutch. Urtel 62, Jan 21,2 repeated NY as focal point for discussion this problem to avoid crossing wires. We perceive risks in discussing resolution in more than one place.3

  1. Repeated in telegram 37 (Usgoc 281). January 24, 7 p. m., to Batavia.
  2. Not printed.
  3. For remarks by Ambassador Jessup at the meeting of the Security Council on January 21, see Department of State Bulletin, January 23, 1949, pp. 104–105. The text of the resolution introduced, jointly sponsored by China, Cuba, Norway, and the United States, was sent in telegram 53, January 22, 3 p. m., to New Delhi, for possible use at the Asian conference there. The United Kingdom, Canada, and Egypt were expected to support the resolution, France abstaining. “Unless Russians veto or some unforeseen development occurs, SC will probably adopt res with minor modifications next week.” (501.BC Indonesia/1–2249) For text of resolution as introduced, see SC, 4th yr., Suppl. (Jan.), pp. 53–56.