501.BC Indonesia/2–2549: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1


198. Gocus 602. Reference Gocus 601.2 To Schuurman I stressed UNCFI responsibility submit report March 1 including all facts available [Page 260] to that date. I said desirable be able acquaint SC with reactions Indos to Netherlands proposal.

Material provided today does not of course permit UNCFI report Netherlands has complied with SC resolution. Paragraph IV of first memo would give recognition UNCFI as GOC. Paragraph VIII may be interpreted indicating invitation to attend Hague conference may include UNCFI. Paragraph VI does not promise unconditional liberty to Republican leaders. Furthermore reestablishment Republic at Jogja is refused in second memo. No steps taken to date to carry out other provisions resolution.

USDel in recent cables reported Repub insistence upon Netherlands implementing SC resolution and upon small likelihood Netherlands so doing unless under heavy international or SC pressure. USDel set forth weakness Beel plan as revealed to date and of ideas presented in Maarseveen speech February 16. Mentioned particularly in Gocus 5953 question as to whether Repub would be willing proceed directly from confinement Bangka to Conference Hague. Procedure now being proposed by Netherlands Government would give Netherlands forces more time achieve military objective and includes no steps likely soon terminate hostilities.

Question will presumably be faced by SC therefore as to whether it prefers proceed with more pressure or sanctions against Netherlands for patent noncompliance with SC resolution to date, or accept in good faith invitation sovereign Netherlands Government to Indo parties to question to meet around table at Hague in presence UNCFI in effort negotiate on interim government and towards transfer sovereignty, or withdraw entirely from Indo question. Would appreciate any instructions or suggestions Department may issue, realizing I shall probably be called into UNCFI meeting Sunday preparatory to submission report and will also be contacted by Repubs for advice. Copy of reply Department makes direct to first Netherlands memo should be helpful.

Entirely possible Repubs may refuse invitation to Hague. Doubt all Federals would favor participation without Repubs even if Netherlands might desire proceed with Federals alone. Assume decision would rest with SC as to whether UNCFI participates Hague if formally invited. Assume would definitely object to transfer seat discussions without UNCFI being included. Revelation Beel plan details Saturday evening may of course have important bearing on some points above mentioned. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegram 161, February 26, 2 p. m., to The Hague.
  2. Supra.
  3. Telegram 187, February 21, not printed.